If you’re planning a stag do and fancy trying something a little different instead of (or in addition to!) the usual strip bar and excessive amounts of alcohol, why not try archery?! Grab a bow and get back to your primal roots with a little friendly competition.
Archery is the ultimate macho man sport, requiring accuracy, power and a keen eye. After all – at one stage bows were the number one weapon of choice for the Army and a pretty effective one they were too! You don’t need any prior skills or knowledge and you tend to stay together for the day, so it really is a great way of everyone getting to know each other.
Perfect for groups big or small, archery is a great way of starting off the weekend, getting the lads together, and having fun before a big night out. Archery is the perfect stag weekend activity, as it is available up and down the country, and in all weathers – don’t let the rain dampen your day.
Either set it as the main event, or as part of an action packed stag weekend for fun for all. Most companies will provide all your archery equipment, as well as an instructor to show you the best techniques before setting you off to compete.
There are some companies who offer archery lessons specifically for stag parties, so alongside learning your technique etc, you are pit against one another to find out which members of your team were made to hunt and which are just Maid Marion. Set prizes and forfeits to make it all a little more interesting, and of course dress your stag up for ultimate embarrassment (something cool like Robin Hood if you’re feeling kind, or something completely ridiculous if you’re not!).
Some providers, such as Robin Hood Events offer stag do packages which focus on fun and competition with huge 3D animal targets, a zombie themed area and various mini games and competitions.
It’s important to decide, when looking for a company to host your archery stag event, whether you want silly, competitive fun, or more serious archery lessons with an element of competition.
Different places will offer a different focus and perhaps if you are looking for the latter, just a normal archery club might offer a group discount at a cheaper rate than a stag event specific company. You can check your local area for archery clubs on the Archery GB site.
If you find yourself a bit of an archery natural, or want an original gift for your stag, don’t forget to check out our archery shop to grab the right equipment. And to start planning your archery day out, head to Robin Hood Events, or Stagweb. And head to ArcheryGB to find your local archery club.
Thanks to Hawkeye, Disney’s Brave and Katniss Everdeen, Archery is finally being given the recognition it deserves for being a pretty cool sport.
It can be a whole lot of fun from being a beginner learning the ropes, right up to the intense skill and power it takes to partake in competitive archery.
That said, there’s a lot more to archery that meets the eye, so we have compiled some facts about the sport that you may not know!
Archery is the national sport of the Kingdom of Bhutan, a sovereign state in South Asia. Their focus on archery is as a social sport (a little like football is here) and villages compete with each other, making the event full of food, drink and dancing. To add to the lightheartedness of the competitions, competitors are allowed to try to distract the other team whilst they are aiming – something which is almost as enjoyable to watch as the sport itself.
Hawkeye uses a recurve bow in The Avengers, despite the fact that a compound bowwould provide much greater power and accuracy. Perhaps it’s because his Hoyt bowlooks good on camera, or he’s just showing off, either way he seems to be doing just fine. Maybe he read our How to Choose a Compound Bow guide?!
If you are an archer, you could also be referred to as a “toxophilite” a word which literally means ‘lover of the bow’, and originates from Ancient Greece. The word for archery however, comes from the latin word ‘arcus’ and means ‘bows and arrows’.
To put the level of skill and accuracy needed into perspective, getting within the ‘gold ring’ involves hitting a beermat-sized target from a distance of seven buses – no mean feat! Best grab your archery supplies and get practising!
The recurve bow looks so sleek and modern you could be forgiven for assuming it was a new design, however, it is actually based on designs from over 3500 years ago. There has never been much of a need to update the design as it works well – if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it!
Geena Davis, of Thelma and Louise fame, was a skilled archer and ranked 24th of the whole US women’s archery championship in 1999. She narrowly missed out on her dream of being representing the national team team in a major international event, but she did win an Oscar.
Archery isn’t just a sport. In Japan they perform Kyudo, which is a style of archery, as more of an art form than a sporting activity.
If you manage to perform a rather impressive feat of splitting the arrow of your competitor, this is known as ‘Robin Hood’ and is incredibly difficult.
If this list has whet your appetite for learning archery or improving your archery skills, don’t forget to stay tuned to our blog. It’s the perfect time to set yourself a ‘target’ of mastering a new sport!
We have an extensive range of products in our archery store, and it can be intimidating for the newcomer. Where do you start? Buying your first bow is very exciting. A recurve bow is a beautiful object, and arrows come with various colours of fletches. But do you really know what you need for an enjoyable and rewarding archery experience?
First of all, you need to know what sort of bow you need. Let’s assume that we’re just looking at recurve bows, although we can help with How to Choose a Compound Bow guide too.
Left- or Right-Handed Bow?
If you’re right-handed, you’ll need a right-hand bow. This is a bow that you hold in your left hand. Your right (dominant) hand will pull back the string. On the left of the riser (the middle bit that you hold) is the arrow rest.
If you’re left-handed, you will shoot with a left-handed bow, held in the right hand. Your left (dominant) hand will pull back the string, and the arrow rest is on the right of the riser.
Bow Length
The next consideration is height. If you stand a strung bow in front of you, with the tip of the lower limb on the floor, the tip of the upper limb should reach the middle of your forehead, give or take an inch or so.
Draw Weight
The draw weight is the measurement of the force needed to pull the centre of the bowstring back to the corner of your mouth, with your bow arm fully extended. A man shooting for the first time will typically use a 28lb bow, and a woman will begin with a 24-poundage. As archers become stronger and more proficient, they increase the draw weight of their bows by changing the limbs.
Materials and design vary in the making of bow limbs. Stronger, stiffer limbs that have less give in them take more force to push away from the bowstring, and therefore the power in the arrow’s release is greater.
Arrow Length
It’s vital to source the right archery supplies, and there’s none more important than picking the right arrows. To find out how long your arrows should be, hold out your arms in front of you, fingers outstretched, and ask someone to measure the distance from your chest to fingertips. Add one inch, and this is approximately the length your arrows should be.
A person’s arm span is virtually equal to his own height. So a tall person will have a longer arm span than a short person. Basically, this means: long bow, long arrows; short bow, short arrows.
However, if you are in doubt, or are sharing arrows, it’s safest for everyone to use long arrows, avoiding the possibility of somebody tall using an arrow that’s too short. When an archer draws back his bowstring, the longer his arms, the further back the string (and arrow) will go. So if the arrow is not long enough, it will be drawn back beyond the riser and drop. There have been some very nasty accidents involving pierced hands and arms, caused by using arrows that are too short.
Other Archery Supplies
A bracer is worn on your bow arm (left arm if you are right handed, and vice versa). Its purpose is to protect the shooter’s inner forearm from the bowstring.
A finger tab is a cheap item – a partial glove, made of leather, to prevent soreness on the fingers of your pulling hand.
A bow stringer is a simple item, essential for assembling a bow correctly.
A bow rest isn’t an absolute must, but it’s a good idea to have somewhere safe to put your bow down when you’re not using it. A bow can get damaged when left leaning against a wall or lying on the ground.
At Pellpax’s archery store, we have a wide selection of recurve bows, arrows, accessories, and clothing. We also have a lot of expertise. Just ask!
Have you got a passion for air rifle and air pistol shooting? Technical advancement in gun mechanics means that changes in shooting have been swift and numerous. Here are a few historical and scientific facts behind the popular sport.
Airguns Before Target Shooting
It’s known that airguns were used for hunting in the 15th and 16th century. They were expensive items, and therefore a rich man’s toy. The oldest preserved airgun dates from around 1580 and is housed in The Royal Armoury Museum in Stockholm, established in 1628 by King Gustavus Adolphus, who felt that his clothes from his campaign in Poland should be preserved for posterity. (The Swedish monarchy was never noted for its modesty.)
In 1780, Italian watchmaker and gunsmith, Girandoni Bartolomeo, invented a 51-calibre rifle, capable of firing up to 20 bullets a minute. The Girandoni rifle was widely used in Europe for big game hunting. A single shot could take down a deer or wild boar.
These early airguns had significant advantages over the primitive firearms of the times: they were quieter; they had no smoke or muzzle flash; they could be discharged in wet weather; and they could be discharged faster – i.e. more times per minute.
First Target Shooting with Airguns
Birmingham is the cradle of airgun target shooting.
In the 1890s, public houses in Birmingham began holding competitions, with prizes for the winning team (leg of mutton, for example) paid for by the losing team. By 1900, there were more than 4,000 rifle clubs and associations in Britain. A large number of these were in Birmingham. You may have even seen the likes of BSA mentioned in the Netflix series of Peaky Blinders.
The National Smallbore Rifle Association (NSRA)
The Society of Working Men’s Rifle Clubs (SWMRC) was established in 1901 to promote civilian rifle clubs in Britain. Its first president was Earl Roberts of Kandahar, who was also the first president of The Pilgrims Society, established in 1902 ‘to promote good will, good fellowship, and everlasting peace between the United States of America and Great Britain’. In 1903, the SWMRC amalgamated with the British Rifle League to become the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs (SMRC).
In 1947, the SMRC changed its name to the National Smallbore Rifle Association (NSRA). Based at The Lord Roberts Centre, in the grounds of the National Shooting Centre, Bisley Camp, Surrey, the NSRA is the governing body for all small-bore rifle and pistol target shooting in the UK.
The Diabolo Pellet
Picking the right shooting accessories for the job can make all the difference.
The diabolo pellet is designed with a forward weight bias, a pinched waist (or ‘wasp waist’), and a hollow skirt. The heavy nose keeps the pellet pointing in the right direction, while the pinched waist and hollow skirt produce a high air drag on the tail, which stabilises the pellet. A rifled bore provides additional stability by spinning the pellet, but a diabolo pellet can be fairly accurate even when discharged from a smoothbore gun. The word ‘diabolo’ originates from the Latin diabolus, meaning the Devil.
Supersonic Velocity
When the speed of sound is broken, a shock wave is created. So when a pellet is discharged at or above supersonic velocity (in normal conditions, that’s about 1,100 feet per second), it produces a shock wave behind it. As the pellet loses speed, the shock wave catches up with the pellet, causing it to tumble. This turbulence, of course, is detrimental to accurate shooting.
Experienced shooters ensure that their pellets leave the barrel at no more than about 900 feet per second, because turbulence can be created even when the sonic barrier is approached. Some guns are built for supersonic muzzle velocity, and when using one of these guns, an experienced shooter will select the heaviest pellets available in order to reduce muzzle velocity.
A wide range of air rifles and air pistols can be purchased from Pellpax, as well as pellets, specialist clothing, and all shooting accessories.
An experienced archer knows exactly what he wants, so this should in theory make purchasing equipment a doddle. However, the exacting standards of the sport and his / her desire to choose the very best equipment on offer may come at a high price, so this can make things a bit more complicated. You may want to check out our How to Choose a Compound Bow guide too.
Aside from the archery equipment There are one or two other purchases necessary when you’re taking part in competitive archery. For example, there’s membership of Archery GB, the British national governing body. This is not a legal requirement, but there are legal implications.
High Quality Recurve And Compound Bows
Two of the best compound bows available are made by Bear Archery, an American company formed by Fred Bear (1902-1988), a traveller, film producer, and archery pioneer.
The Bear Attitude is a powerful compound bow, offering huge speed and accuracy – perfect for experienced hunters and field archers.
The Bear Cruzer can be used from child beginner level to large game hunting. It has a huge peak draw weight range from 5 to 70 pounds and a fully adjustable draw length from 12 to 30 inches.
Top of the recurve class are bows made by Hoyt Archery, a company founded in 1931 by Earl Hoyt Senior. Made from super-strong (and comparatively light) carbon fibre, Hoyt recurve bows were used by every gold medal winner in archery at the international sporting event of 2012.
All of these compound bows can be found in the Pellpax online archery shop, along with a wide range of archery supplies.
Second-Hand Equipment
There’s a lot of second-hand archery equipment available. One of the best outlets is Aardvark Archery, based in Pudsey in West Yorkshire. The large warehouse stocks new and second-hand archery equipment, all of which can be viewed on their website and ordered online.
Other sites where you can find second-hand archery gear are: Freeads, Preloved, Clickers Archery, and Trovit.
A Word On Insurance When Competing Abroad
When competing abroad, an archer must buy insurance, because Archery GB does not cover members when shooting outside of the UK. Archery GB is the National Governing Body (NGB) for British Archery, and is a member of the World Archery Federation (WA), the governing body of world archery.
If a British archer enters a competition abroad, he must obtain insurance for that event. Archery GB membership does not cover a British competitor abroad. However, in the event of the Briton being uninsured, the other competitors’ insurance will not be invalidated, as long as the Briton is a member of Archery GB.
The same applies to competitions in the UK. A foreign contender will have to be specially insured. But as long as he’s a member of his own National Governing Body, which, in turn, is a member of the World Archery Federation, the foreign competitor’s lack of insurance will not invalidate that of the other archers.
This ruling applies also to individuals taking part in competitions in their own country. If a British archer, who is not a member of Archery GB, were to enter a competition in the UK without obtaining insurance, the insurance of all other competitors would become invalid.
Grab all of your archery supplies, from compound bows and recurve bows to quivers, arrows, and much more, in our archery store. And learn more about Hoyt Archery on their dedicated collections page.
Trap and Skeet shooting are increasing in popularity
The popularity of target shooting is growing rapidly, especially among the young. New clubs are opening, and existing clubs are growing. Shooting is being introduced into schools and scouts groups. Opportunities for participation are opening up to everyone.
The sport is a test of concentration, steadiness of body and mind, technique, eyesight, and judgement. It’s one of the few sports that don’t rely upon strength, physical fitness, size, or speed. Many shooters are still on top form in old age. Large people are not hampered by excess body weight, and small people are not disadvantaged by lack of it.
1# Early Game Shooting
King Henry VIII was very fond of firearms – the new-fangled weapons that were superseding bows and arrows. In the 16th century, game shooting was an elitist sport, and since the late 14th century had been restricted to men worth £2 a year or more. An Act of Parliament in 1671 stipulated that only men with a landed income of at least £100 per year were permitted to take game, reflecting inevitable inflation and a rather slow reaction to it.
2# Early Trap Shooting
The sport of trap shooting has been around since 1750, when live birds, usually pigeons, were used as targets. The birds were held in traps or under hats and then released – to be shot at. Sometimes inanimate objects, like potatoes, were hurled into the air for targets. At one particular competition, cricket balls were launched by a fast bowler.
3# Glass Ball Targets
In the 1860s, the glass ball was introduced – possibly in England, but popularised in the US by Charles Portlock. These targets – hollow glass spheres filled with feathers (for realism) or sometimes with dust, flour, or shredded newspaper – were catapulted into the air by simple traps. The sport had now become cheaper (and consequently more popular), consistent, and more humane.
The simplest form of glass ball target had a smooth surface, but the designs became more sophisticated, with ridged or patterned surfaces, which prevented shot from glancing off. Sometimes the balls were marked with the manufacturer’s name.
The problem with glass balls, though, was the debris – large quantities of broken glass. Participants would often shoot over water, and divers of later decades have retrieved many whole (i.e. missed) balls. There were attempts to develop alternative forms of inanimate targets, like the reusable wooden ball with an explosive surface, and the ecologically friendly ball designed to decompose.
The glass balls, which were in use for only a couple of decades before the invention of clay targets in 1880, were made in bright colours, and it’s not uncommon for modern-day collectors of glass ball targets to come across them hanging on Christmas trees. They’re often mistaken for baubles!
4# The Naming of Skeet
Bang … bye-bye blackbird … these are two of the many thousand competition entries for naming the new US shooting game invented by Charles E Davies in 1920. The naming competition, run in 1926, was won by a housewife from Montana, Gertrude Hurlbutt, who suggested skeet, a word derived from the Norwegian ‘skyte’, meaning ‘shoot’.
5# A Young Star
Miroslav Bednarik, a Czechoslovakian International Trap shooter, was born in 1965. In 1985, Miroslav was picked for the Open World Trap competition at the Montecatini club in Italy, known as the ‘mecca’ of international clay target shooting, but with the reputation of being one of the most difficult.
At twenty years old, Miroslav was still young enough to compete in junior events and was a favourite for the junior world title. But entering the senior competition meant that he would not be eligible to take part as a junior. A dilemma? For Bednarik, it was a no-brainer. He broke 197 of the 200 clays, becoming the only junior shooter in the history of the ISSF to win the senior Open World Trap title.
In 1989, at just 24 years old, the young Czechoslovakian champion was killed in a motorcycle accident.
6# Winchester Models
Kimberley Rhode, an American born in 1979, is an International Double Trap and Skeet champion, considered by the ISSF to be one of their four greatest shotgun shooters of all time. After her win at a prestigious international sporting competition in London in 2012, Kimberley’s image appeared on a Winchester Ammunition cartridge box.
Before Kimberley, only three other people had been featured on a Winchester Ammunition box. These were: company founder Oliver Winchester, actor John Wayne, and US president Theodore Roosevelt.
Champion shooter and trap machine inventor, John Bidwell
7# Automatic Trap Machines
In 1909, the first automatic trap machine was used. Over the last century, the machines have been developed and improved. One of the latest models is the Auto Sporter Clay Trap machine, which is supplied to shooting clubs and competitive events all over the world and is used in conjunction with an automatic counter system.
It was invented by John Bidwell, who is a world champion clay pigeon shooter and the owner / manager of High Lodge, a sports and events centre in Suffolk, where the Auto Shooter is manufactured.
You can grab shotguns for sale and target shooting supplies by heading to our Rifles and Shotguns store.
‘Team building’ can be a term that evokes a chorus of groans and a feeling of dread around the office. Usually involving ‘trust falls’, pointless games and awkward icebreakers, what should be an office adventure usually ends up being rather dull. This year, why not do something completely different and learn archery together as a team?
On target for a great office day out
Aside from Scout camp, it’s unlikely that many of your team will have tried archery, especially as adults, and it really is a great sport to give a go for so many reasons.
Archery is such an all-inclusive sport. At a low level, it requires very little cardio and can be taken part in by those who may have limited mobility.
Although it can be enjoyed by disabled persons, it is also great for improving coordination, strength and muscle building for people of all abilities.
There are both indoor and outdoor versions which means that you are not relying on the Great British weather being on your side.
A bit of healthy competition is good for office morale and you may help a colleague discover their hidden talent in the world of archery! Set up games, competitions and tournaments and the day will be far more fun (and achieve a whole lot more team bonding) than a third party company organising the usual day of activities.
Types Of Bow
There are various types of bow in archery, but the type you’re most likely to use in an archery day is a recurve bow (where the limbs bend back towards you when the bow is unstrung), or a compound bow (made up of different materials). These come in different lengths depending upon your height, and there are left / right hand variations, too. These are typically provided for you on these big ‘experience’ days out. If you get caught with the archery bug, you can of course head to our archery supplies store and grab your own…
The various types of Archery for beginners
The concept of archery is pretty similar across the different types – use a bow and arrow and aim at a target – however if you look closer at the different areas of archery there are many differences.
James from the Pellpax team takes aim
Target Archery – This is the type of archery that most people imagine. The archery target has ten rings and you get more points the closer your arrow gets to the bullseye. Men stand 100 yards away from the target and women 80 yards, and fire a recurve bow or compound bow.
Clout Archery – Clout is very similar to Target in many ways, however men stand 180 yards away and women 140 yards and the target is actually a flag on the ground. Again, different landings will earn you different points.
Flight Archery – Flight is the long jump of the archery world where the aim is to get your arrow as far away as possible. This is not quite as common as it requires a whole lot of space.
Field Archery – Field archery uses a longbow and is often done in woodlands. The focus is more on ‘realism’ and is more like hunting than a competition, although the aim isn’t to hit animals of course!
Any form of archery would be great for a day out, although it is probably best to start with either Target or Clout to learn archery at a base level. Target is suitable for indoor use and is the most common form so it is easy to find!
Where can you do it?
You can check out Archery GB for more information but there are hundreds of archery clubs across the country. Whether you choose to go to a dedicated archery club such as St Helens Archers or one of the many corporate event companies who can offer you a package deal.
If Barbara from accounts or Steve from IT suddenly find themselves wanting to become regular archers, why not point them in the direction of our archery supplies sale?
Check out our archery equipment store to get your crossbows, compound bows and accessories today.
This summer, why not grab a kids bow and arrow set, and whisk your youngsters away from their computers and out into the open (weather permitting of course!). Spend some times together learning archery for kids and the whole family! Whether you’re feeling inspired from the Summer sporting events or have a budding Katniss/Hawkeye in your house, archery really is the perfect family sport.
Archery is a fun day out for the family
Why is archery for kids a great sport?
Archery doesn’t require a lot of cardio fitness, but is great for building muscle strength as well as focussing the mind and improving concentration and patience – who couldn’t use a little more of that?! It is also a great activity for including disabled members of the family as there are a whole host of variations they can implement to be able to join in.
It’s a sociable activity and a whole lot of fun! Of course, there is a competitive element, whether that’s within your group, or on a National level, but after all, isn’t that part of the appeal?!
In the past, like many things, archery was incredibly male-dominated, with King Edward III ruling that all boys from the age of 14 should be able to master the longbow. That said, there is nothing to suggest that the girls in your family couldn’t become archery masters – why not stir up a little healthy competition to hit those archery targets, boys vs girls and the losers have to do the washing up for a week?
The different types of Archery for kids and families
Although you are most likely to be thinking of Target archery when the word ‘archery’ comes up, there are actually a whole host of different forms of archery to explore.
Target Archery – The aim of this type of archery is to get as close to the bullseye on the target as possible. Any of the ten rings will give you points however, and they all add up! Target archery can be played indoors or outdoors so it is a pretty safe bet when it comes to learning archery.
Clout Archery – The target of Clout archery is to get your arrow as close to a flag in the ground as possible, with different landing areas being worth varying points. In Clout archery you are stood much further away from the target and it tends to be set up outside. Flight Archery – Flight archery requires participants to get their arrows as far away from them as possible. This is usually done in aerodromes as it requires a large distance and no interference from pesky winds. Although not as common as Target or Clout archery, it is a whole lot of fun.
Field Archery – The most like the Hungergames, Field archery uses a longbow and is often done in woodlands or other outdoor areas. The archery targets used can vary from 3d targets to paper animal targets.
It’s great to try the different styles of archery over time, however, when your family are just learning, Target and Cloud are the most popular.
If you just want to test the waters, many clubs do “give it a go” or taster sessions at open days of their clubs, or even local events. If it is something that you can really see yourselves getting into, it is worth investing in the necessary equipment such as bows, arrows and of course targets. You can also get specific kids bow and arrow sets, too. To find out more about the sport, or find your local Archery club, head over to ArcheryGB.
Let’s face it, taking a date to a restaurant or the cinema is nice but dull. To really make a first date go with a ‘bang’, why not try something new and exciting, and go Clay Pigeon Shooting instead?
Steph from the the Pellpax team tests out a Webley and Scott shotgun
What is Clay Pigeon Shooting?
One thing you may have to clarify to your date is that no actual animals are hurt in the act of Clay Pigeon Shooting – you’ll be surprised at how many people think that it actually involves shooting pigeons. Certainly not ideal if your date is a vegetarian so best to get that cleared up quickly!
Why is it good for a date?
Is there anything more powerful and masculine than a firearm?! Not to mention the Lara Croft vibe than women with guns can give off – amazing.
It’s an activity, which means you avoid awkward silences and boredom, but it is still able to have a nice conversation and get to know your date.
Shooting is a lot of fun and accessible for everyone as it is not cardio-focussed. In fact, there is an official Disabled Shooters Group who are recognised by the British International Target Shooting Federation and often compete.
Then, of course, there is the low-maintenance fashion choices. No stilettos and miniskirts here, just good, classic earthy tones, tweed and sturdy boots – natural beauty and so cute! Not to mention your own opportunity to wear a themed tie!
Which type of shooting should you try?
There are a surprising amount of variations of Clay Pigeon Shooting under the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association, however they all fall under the three main areas:
Trap Shooting With activities that fall under trap shooting, the clay targets vary in speed and direction and shooters tend to be around 15m away from the traps where the targets are thrown from. Trap shooting is great for beginners and gives you the opportunity to watch your date at work and evoke some healthy competition!
Skeet Shooting Skeet shooting involves two trap houses, around 40m apart where targets are thrown from. Shooters stand in one of seven shooting positions in a semi circle. Skeet shooting is ideal for a group date but not so much one-to-one.
English Sporting Clays This is of course, competitive shooting and is more advanced, with targets varying greatly in every way. If yourself and your date are seasoned professionals in the Clay Pigeon Shooting game, this is a great form, however, otherwise it’s probably best to work up to this.
Tracking a clay pigeon
What will you need?
Clay Pigeon Shooting ranges will have all the equipment to rent and of course we have a huge range of guns and cartridges to purchase if you find that you love the sport. Other than the obvious, you will need ear defenders, waterproofs and snacks – why not pack a picnic over which you can discuss who was best and plan the next date!
Where can you go?
There are a whole host of Clay Pigeon ranges where you can try out trap shooting and skeet shooting across the country who offer great deals for beginners. For example, Manchester Clay Shooting Club offers packages from just £40 per person for those wanting to give it a go and provide all equipment and a professional instructor.
Ribble Bank Field Sports charge 30p per clay for non-members of their club and have facilities to cater for all abilities, as long as they are able to hold the gun correctly.
If you are based further South, West Kent Shooting offer taster sessions and lessons for shooters of all levels.
Wherever you are based, chances are you won’t have to journey far to find your local Clay Pigeon Shooting arena – all that’s left to do now is find a date!
Our very own James carrying arrows back from the target.
Given that this summer is a turning out to be a wonderful season for sport, such as the Archery World Cup in Odense later this year, we decided to take a closer look at how you can join your sporting heroes and become a competitive archer……
Types Of Competitive Archery – Target Archery
First of all, it’s important to note that there are several different types of competitive archery. There’s World Archery Federation rules, formerly known as Federation Internationale de Tir a l’Arc or FITA style archery. WA rules are covered by ArcheryGB in the UK. This is what is used in major international tournaments like the Commonwealth Games, and it comes under the bracket of modern ‘Target Archery’.
This type of archery is relatively new in the lineage of this historic sport, and comes in different forms. WA archery can take place in indoor competitive spares or outdoors, with the former taking place over distances of 18 to 25 metres. Outdoor competitions vary in distance from 30 through to 90 metres. Two types of bows are typically used, either recurve or compound bows.
The competition is divided up into what are known as ‘ends’, sets of arrows which are fired in groups of 3 to 6, and within a fixed amount of time. The targets they are aiming for are made up of 10 circles arranged inside one another, and valued from one through to ten. The central ring is also known as the X ring, and is valued at 10.
The base for archery targets is made up of cloth stuffed bags or foam. They vary in diameter, from 40 centimeters, which is used in 18 metres indoor competitions, to 122 centimeters, which is used in 70 to 90 meters WA competitions, such as the Commonwealth games and other major sporting events.
Field Archery
This form of competitive archery harks back to older versions of the sport, and as such, takes place outside, often in territory which is unmarked, over a variety of distances. The major body governing this sport is NFAS (National Field Archery Society) in the UK, and NFAA in the USA.
NFAS operate their competitions typically in woodland, over distances which are unknown, and aimed at 3d targets and paper animal targets. They use 10 types of bow, including longbow, crossbow, compound limited and barebow, and cover adult, junior and under 12s, holding events up and down the UK.
Clout Archery
This runs along GNAS (Grand National Archery Society a.k.a ArcheryGB) rules in the United Kingdom. It’s similar to traditional target archery.
The basic idea is to drop arrows over a long distance into a series of circles, arranged inside one another, around a flag which marks the centre. The Clout in the name consists of the 36 arrows which
A recurve bow, with sights, in action
are fired in a group, as part of the competition.
Getting Involved
Unsurprisingly, the best way to get involved with competitions is via the relevant UK body. ArcheryGB has 45,000 members and represents 1,300 clubs. It is the national governing body for the sport from grass roots to elite competition level, and runs a variety of courses from beginners to coaching and advanced level. To get started, you can use their Club Finder. These provide a good starting point for both recreational and competitive archery. There is support for disabled archers.
Meanwhile, NFAS focuses on promoting traditional field archery as a sport, from shooting events, all the way up to coach training and competitions. As with ArcheryGB, you can apply to be a member on their website.
Grab Your Gear
Archery equipment can be hired from a variety of sources if you just want a taste – clubs can often help with this. Those who wish to commit to the sport will find affordable entry level equipment for around £100 to £300, with second hand equipment also available from a variety of sources (it’s best to have this checked by a professional before purchasing). You can contact our staff via telephone or email for advice on what archery supplies to get.
James from the Pellpax team takes aim
Stay Informed
In order to become the best, you’ll need to keep up to date with the biggest names and the best writing on archery. We regularly publish archery content here at Pellpax on our blog, and you can also head to the ArcheryGB website, which is regularly updated with news about the sport. They also produce Archery UK, their own magazine. Then there’s Archery360, which produces great content, and Bow International, another fantastic resource for archers.
For a calendar of the big sporting events this year, including the World Archery Cup, which takes place in Odense in September, check out this guide provided by the World Archery Federation. Big events also take place in Dublin, Marrakesh, Bangkok, Shanghai and Las Vegas in 2016, too.