The Paralympics Took place in Rio earlier this month (Sept 2016), with competitors from around the world all contributing to the success of the games.
Team GB performing particularly well in the archery events. Jess Stretton won gold, defeating fellow Brit Jo Frith in the individual archery by 137-124. The 16 year old spoke to the BBC. “I had to try to tell myself to keep calm because I did feel under pressure and sometimes I can freak out because of that,” she said.
“I had to trick myself into thinking it was just another shooting session which was quite difficult – but I managed it.”
Frith’s appearance in the event was made all the more impressive by her health prior to the event. As she told World Archery:
“I’ve got a neurological problem. I couldn’t move and I was in more pain than usual. It was really chronic pain. The doctors here did everything they could and in the end it was getting pretty serious so they sent me off to the hospital for about two days,” Jenkins told the website.
“And then we came this morning to see whether I could pull my bow back and to see Whether I could shoot. It looked okay and not too painful. And so I just went for it really.”
Victoria Jenkins won bronze in the event, completing an impressive three medal haul for Team GB in the event.
Paralympics Shooting
Meanwhile, Iran’s female sporting shooter Sareh Javanmardi won a second gold in the P4 mixed 50-meter pistol SH1 in Rio, scoring 189.5 points to finish champion in the event. China’s Yang Chao, finished second with 186.5 to win silver, while Oleksii Denysiuk of Ukraine finished in third place to win bronze.
Indeed, women were strongly represented throughout the shooting events. Out of the six mixed shooting events, four gold medals went to the ladies, including Slovakia’s Veronika Vadovicova in R3 (mixed 10m air rifle prone SH1) and Slovenia’s Veselka Pevec in R4.
If you’re planning a stag do and fancy trying something a little different instead of (or in addition to!) the usual strip bar and excessive amounts of alcohol, why not try archery?! Grab a bow and get back to your primal roots with a little friendly competition.
Archery is the ultimate macho man sport, requiring accuracy, power and a keen eye. After all – at one stage bows were the number one weapon of choice for the Army and a pretty effective one they were too! You don’t need any prior skills or knowledge and you tend to stay together for the day, so it really is a great way of everyone getting to know each other.
Perfect for groups big or small, archery is a great way of starting off the weekend, getting the lads together, and having fun before a big night out. Archery is the perfect stag weekend activity, as it is available up and down the country, and in all weathers – don’t let the rain dampen your day.
Either set it as the main event, or as part of an action packed stag weekend for fun for all. Most companies will provide all your archery equipment, as well as an instructor to show you the best techniques before setting you off to compete.
There are some companies who offer archery lessons specifically for stag parties, so alongside learning your technique etc, you are pit against one another to find out which members of your team were made to hunt and which are just Maid Marion. Set prizes and forfeits to make it all a little more interesting, and of course dress your stag up for ultimate embarrassment (something cool like Robin Hood if you’re feeling kind, or something completely ridiculous if you’re not!).
Some providers, such as Robin Hood Events offer stag do packages which focus on fun and competition with huge 3D animal targets, a zombie themed area and various mini games and competitions.
It’s important to decide, when looking for a company to host your archery stag event, whether you want silly, competitive fun, or more serious archery lessons with an element of competition.
Different places will offer a different focus and perhaps if you are looking for the latter, just a normal archery club might offer a group discount at a cheaper rate than a stag event specific company. You can check your local area for archery clubs on the Archery GB site.
If you find yourself a bit of an archery natural, or want an original gift for your stag, don’t forget to check out our archery shop to grab the right equipment. And to start planning your archery day out, head to Robin Hood Events, or Stagweb. And head to ArcheryGB to find your local archery club.
Thanks to Hawkeye, Disney’s Brave and Katniss Everdeen, Archery is finally being given the recognition it deserves for being a pretty cool sport.
It can be a whole lot of fun from being a beginner learning the ropes, right up to the intense skill and power it takes to partake in competitive archery.
That said, there’s a lot more to archery that meets the eye, so we have compiled some facts about the sport that you may not know!
Archery is the national sport of the Kingdom of Bhutan, a sovereign state in South Asia. Their focus on archery is as a social sport (a little like football is here) and villages compete with each other, making the event full of food, drink and dancing. To add to the lightheartedness of the competitions, competitors are allowed to try to distract the other team whilst they are aiming – something which is almost as enjoyable to watch as the sport itself.
Hawkeye uses a recurve bow in The Avengers, despite the fact that a compound bowwould provide much greater power and accuracy. Perhaps it’s because his Hoyt bowlooks good on camera, or he’s just showing off, either way he seems to be doing just fine. Maybe he read our How to Choose a Compound Bow guide?!
If you are an archer, you could also be referred to as a “toxophilite” a word which literally means ‘lover of the bow’, and originates from Ancient Greece. The word for archery however, comes from the latin word ‘arcus’ and means ‘bows and arrows’.
To put the level of skill and accuracy needed into perspective, getting within the ‘gold ring’ involves hitting a beermat-sized target from a distance of seven buses – no mean feat! Best grab your archery supplies and get practising!
The recurve bow looks so sleek and modern you could be forgiven for assuming it was a new design, however, it is actually based on designs from over 3500 years ago. There has never been much of a need to update the design as it works well – if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it!
Geena Davis, of Thelma and Louise fame, was a skilled archer and ranked 24th of the whole US women’s archery championship in 1999. She narrowly missed out on her dream of being representing the national team team in a major international event, but she did win an Oscar.
Archery isn’t just a sport. In Japan they perform Kyudo, which is a style of archery, as more of an art form than a sporting activity.
If you manage to perform a rather impressive feat of splitting the arrow of your competitor, this is known as ‘Robin Hood’ and is incredibly difficult.
If this list has whet your appetite for learning archery or improving your archery skills, don’t forget to stay tuned to our blog. It’s the perfect time to set yourself a ‘target’ of mastering a new sport!
We have an extensive range of products in our archery store, and it can be intimidating for the newcomer. Where do you start? Buying your first bow is very exciting. A recurve bow is a beautiful object, and arrows come with various colours of fletches. But do you really know what you need for an enjoyable and rewarding archery experience?
First of all, you need to know what sort of bow you need. Let’s assume that we’re just looking at recurve bows, although we can help with How to Choose a Compound Bow guide too.
Left- or Right-Handed Bow?
If you’re right-handed, you’ll need a right-hand bow. This is a bow that you hold in your left hand. Your right (dominant) hand will pull back the string. On the left of the riser (the middle bit that you hold) is the arrow rest.
If you’re left-handed, you will shoot with a left-handed bow, held in the right hand. Your left (dominant) hand will pull back the string, and the arrow rest is on the right of the riser.
Bow Length
The next consideration is height. If you stand a strung bow in front of you, with the tip of the lower limb on the floor, the tip of the upper limb should reach the middle of your forehead, give or take an inch or so.
Draw Weight
The draw weight is the measurement of the force needed to pull the centre of the bowstring back to the corner of your mouth, with your bow arm fully extended. A man shooting for the first time will typically use a 28lb bow, and a woman will begin with a 24-poundage. As archers become stronger and more proficient, they increase the draw weight of their bows by changing the limbs.
Materials and design vary in the making of bow limbs. Stronger, stiffer limbs that have less give in them take more force to push away from the bowstring, and therefore the power in the arrow’s release is greater.
Arrow Length
It’s vital to source the right archery supplies, and there’s none more important than picking the right arrows. To find out how long your arrows should be, hold out your arms in front of you, fingers outstretched, and ask someone to measure the distance from your chest to fingertips. Add one inch, and this is approximately the length your arrows should be.
A person’s arm span is virtually equal to his own height. So a tall person will have a longer arm span than a short person. Basically, this means: long bow, long arrows; short bow, short arrows.
However, if you are in doubt, or are sharing arrows, it’s safest for everyone to use long arrows, avoiding the possibility of somebody tall using an arrow that’s too short. When an archer draws back his bowstring, the longer his arms, the further back the string (and arrow) will go. So if the arrow is not long enough, it will be drawn back beyond the riser and drop. There have been some very nasty accidents involving pierced hands and arms, caused by using arrows that are too short.
Other Archery Supplies
A bracer is worn on your bow arm (left arm if you are right handed, and vice versa). Its purpose is to protect the shooter’s inner forearm from the bowstring.
A finger tab is a cheap item – a partial glove, made of leather, to prevent soreness on the fingers of your pulling hand.
A bow stringer is a simple item, essential for assembling a bow correctly.
A bow rest isn’t an absolute must, but it’s a good idea to have somewhere safe to put your bow down when you’re not using it. A bow can get damaged when left leaning against a wall or lying on the ground.
At Pellpax’s archery store, we have a wide selection of recurve bows, arrows, accessories, and clothing. We also have a lot of expertise. Just ask!
An experienced archer knows exactly what he wants, so this should in theory make purchasing equipment a doddle. However, the exacting standards of the sport and his / her desire to choose the very best equipment on offer may come at a high price, so this can make things a bit more complicated. You may want to check out our How to Choose a Compound Bow guide too.
Aside from the archery equipment There are one or two other purchases necessary when you’re taking part in competitive archery. For example, there’s membership of Archery GB, the British national governing body. This is not a legal requirement, but there are legal implications.
High Quality Recurve And Compound Bows
Two of the best compound bows available are made by Bear Archery, an American company formed by Fred Bear (1902-1988), a traveller, film producer, and archery pioneer.
The Bear Attitude is a powerful compound bow, offering huge speed and accuracy – perfect for experienced hunters and field archers.
The Bear Cruzer can be used from child beginner level to large game hunting. It has a huge peak draw weight range from 5 to 70 pounds and a fully adjustable draw length from 12 to 30 inches.
Top of the recurve class are bows made by Hoyt Archery, a company founded in 1931 by Earl Hoyt Senior. Made from super-strong (and comparatively light) carbon fibre, Hoyt recurve bows were used by every gold medal winner in archery at the international sporting event of 2012.
All of these compound bows can be found in the Pellpax online archery shop, along with a wide range of archery supplies.
Second-Hand Equipment
There’s a lot of second-hand archery equipment available. One of the best outlets is Aardvark Archery, based in Pudsey in West Yorkshire. The large warehouse stocks new and second-hand archery equipment, all of which can be viewed on their website and ordered online.
Other sites where you can find second-hand archery gear are: Freeads, Preloved, Clickers Archery, and Trovit.
A Word On Insurance When Competing Abroad
When competing abroad, an archer must buy insurance, because Archery GB does not cover members when shooting outside of the UK. Archery GB is the National Governing Body (NGB) for British Archery, and is a member of the World Archery Federation (WA), the governing body of world archery.
If a British archer enters a competition abroad, he must obtain insurance for that event. Archery GB membership does not cover a British competitor abroad. However, in the event of the Briton being uninsured, the other competitors’ insurance will not be invalidated, as long as the Briton is a member of Archery GB.
The same applies to competitions in the UK. A foreign contender will have to be specially insured. But as long as he’s a member of his own National Governing Body, which, in turn, is a member of the World Archery Federation, the foreign competitor’s lack of insurance will not invalidate that of the other archers.
This ruling applies also to individuals taking part in competitions in their own country. If a British archer, who is not a member of Archery GB, were to enter a competition in the UK without obtaining insurance, the insurance of all other competitors would become invalid.
Grab all of your archery supplies, from compound bows and recurve bows to quivers, arrows, and much more, in our archery store. And learn more about Hoyt Archery on their dedicated collections page.
‘Team building’ can be a term that evokes a chorus of groans and a feeling of dread around the office. Usually involving ‘trust falls’, pointless games and awkward icebreakers, what should be an office adventure usually ends up being rather dull. This year, why not do something completely different and learn archery together as a team?
On target for a great office day out
Aside from Scout camp, it’s unlikely that many of your team will have tried archery, especially as adults, and it really is a great sport to give a go for so many reasons.
Archery is such an all-inclusive sport. At a low level, it requires very little cardio and can be taken part in by those who may have limited mobility.
Although it can be enjoyed by disabled persons, it is also great for improving coordination, strength and muscle building for people of all abilities.
There are both indoor and outdoor versions which means that you are not relying on the Great British weather being on your side.
A bit of healthy competition is good for office morale and you may help a colleague discover their hidden talent in the world of archery! Set up games, competitions and tournaments and the day will be far more fun (and achieve a whole lot more team bonding) than a third party company organising the usual day of activities.
Types Of Bow
There are various types of bow in archery, but the type you’re most likely to use in an archery day is a recurve bow (where the limbs bend back towards you when the bow is unstrung), or a compound bow (made up of different materials). These come in different lengths depending upon your height, and there are left / right hand variations, too. These are typically provided for you on these big ‘experience’ days out. If you get caught with the archery bug, you can of course head to our archery supplies store and grab your own…
The various types of Archery for beginners
The concept of archery is pretty similar across the different types – use a bow and arrow and aim at a target – however if you look closer at the different areas of archery there are many differences.
James from the Pellpax team takes aim
Target Archery – This is the type of archery that most people imagine. The archery target has ten rings and you get more points the closer your arrow gets to the bullseye. Men stand 100 yards away from the target and women 80 yards, and fire a recurve bow or compound bow.
Clout Archery – Clout is very similar to Target in many ways, however men stand 180 yards away and women 140 yards and the target is actually a flag on the ground. Again, different landings will earn you different points.
Flight Archery – Flight is the long jump of the archery world where the aim is to get your arrow as far away as possible. This is not quite as common as it requires a whole lot of space.
Field Archery – Field archery uses a longbow and is often done in woodlands. The focus is more on ‘realism’ and is more like hunting than a competition, although the aim isn’t to hit animals of course!
Any form of archery would be great for a day out, although it is probably best to start with either Target or Clout to learn archery at a base level. Target is suitable for indoor use and is the most common form so it is easy to find!
Where can you do it?
You can check out Archery GB for more information but there are hundreds of archery clubs across the country. Whether you choose to go to a dedicated archery club such as St Helens Archers or one of the many corporate event companies who can offer you a package deal.
If Barbara from accounts or Steve from IT suddenly find themselves wanting to become regular archers, why not point them in the direction of our archery supplies sale?
Check out our archery equipment store to get your crossbows, compound bows and accessories today.
This summer, why not grab a kids bow and arrow set, and whisk your youngsters away from their computers and out into the open (weather permitting of course!). Spend some times together learning archery for kids and the whole family! Whether you’re feeling inspired from the Summer sporting events or have a budding Katniss/Hawkeye in your house, archery really is the perfect family sport.
Archery is a fun day out for the family
Why is archery for kids a great sport?
Archery doesn’t require a lot of cardio fitness, but is great for building muscle strength as well as focussing the mind and improving concentration and patience – who couldn’t use a little more of that?! It is also a great activity for including disabled members of the family as there are a whole host of variations they can implement to be able to join in.
It’s a sociable activity and a whole lot of fun! Of course, there is a competitive element, whether that’s within your group, or on a National level, but after all, isn’t that part of the appeal?!
In the past, like many things, archery was incredibly male-dominated, with King Edward III ruling that all boys from the age of 14 should be able to master the longbow. That said, there is nothing to suggest that the girls in your family couldn’t become archery masters – why not stir up a little healthy competition to hit those archery targets, boys vs girls and the losers have to do the washing up for a week?
The different types of Archery for kids and families
Although you are most likely to be thinking of Target archery when the word ‘archery’ comes up, there are actually a whole host of different forms of archery to explore.
Target Archery – The aim of this type of archery is to get as close to the bullseye on the target as possible. Any of the ten rings will give you points however, and they all add up! Target archery can be played indoors or outdoors so it is a pretty safe bet when it comes to learning archery.
Clout Archery – The target of Clout archery is to get your arrow as close to a flag in the ground as possible, with different landing areas being worth varying points. In Clout archery you are stood much further away from the target and it tends to be set up outside. Flight Archery – Flight archery requires participants to get their arrows as far away from them as possible. This is usually done in aerodromes as it requires a large distance and no interference from pesky winds. Although not as common as Target or Clout archery, it is a whole lot of fun.
Field Archery – The most like the Hungergames, Field archery uses a longbow and is often done in woodlands or other outdoor areas. The archery targets used can vary from 3d targets to paper animal targets.
It’s great to try the different styles of archery over time, however, when your family are just learning, Target and Cloud are the most popular.
If you just want to test the waters, many clubs do “give it a go” or taster sessions at open days of their clubs, or even local events. If it is something that you can really see yourselves getting into, it is worth investing in the necessary equipment such as bows, arrows and of course targets. You can also get specific kids bow and arrow sets, too. To find out more about the sport, or find your local Archery club, head over to ArcheryGB.
Our very own James carrying arrows back from the target.
Given that this summer is a turning out to be a wonderful season for sport, such as the Archery World Cup in Odense later this year, we decided to take a closer look at how you can join your sporting heroes and become a competitive archer……
Types Of Competitive Archery – Target Archery
First of all, it’s important to note that there are several different types of competitive archery. There’s World Archery Federation rules, formerly known as Federation Internationale de Tir a l’Arc or FITA style archery. WA rules are covered by ArcheryGB in the UK. This is what is used in major international tournaments like the Commonwealth Games, and it comes under the bracket of modern ‘Target Archery’.
This type of archery is relatively new in the lineage of this historic sport, and comes in different forms. WA archery can take place in indoor competitive spares or outdoors, with the former taking place over distances of 18 to 25 metres. Outdoor competitions vary in distance from 30 through to 90 metres. Two types of bows are typically used, either recurve or compound bows.
The competition is divided up into what are known as ‘ends’, sets of arrows which are fired in groups of 3 to 6, and within a fixed amount of time. The targets they are aiming for are made up of 10 circles arranged inside one another, and valued from one through to ten. The central ring is also known as the X ring, and is valued at 10.
The base for archery targets is made up of cloth stuffed bags or foam. They vary in diameter, from 40 centimeters, which is used in 18 metres indoor competitions, to 122 centimeters, which is used in 70 to 90 meters WA competitions, such as the Commonwealth games and other major sporting events.
Field Archery
This form of competitive archery harks back to older versions of the sport, and as such, takes place outside, often in territory which is unmarked, over a variety of distances. The major body governing this sport is NFAS (National Field Archery Society) in the UK, and NFAA in the USA.
NFAS operate their competitions typically in woodland, over distances which are unknown, and aimed at 3d targets and paper animal targets. They use 10 types of bow, including longbow, crossbow, compound limited and barebow, and cover adult, junior and under 12s, holding events up and down the UK.
Clout Archery
This runs along GNAS (Grand National Archery Society a.k.a ArcheryGB) rules in the United Kingdom. It’s similar to traditional target archery.
The basic idea is to drop arrows over a long distance into a series of circles, arranged inside one another, around a flag which marks the centre. The Clout in the name consists of the 36 arrows which
A recurve bow, with sights, in action
are fired in a group, as part of the competition.
Getting Involved
Unsurprisingly, the best way to get involved with competitions is via the relevant UK body. ArcheryGB has 45,000 members and represents 1,300 clubs. It is the national governing body for the sport from grass roots to elite competition level, and runs a variety of courses from beginners to coaching and advanced level. To get started, you can use their Club Finder. These provide a good starting point for both recreational and competitive archery. There is support for disabled archers.
Meanwhile, NFAS focuses on promoting traditional field archery as a sport, from shooting events, all the way up to coach training and competitions. As with ArcheryGB, you can apply to be a member on their website.
Grab Your Gear
Archery equipment can be hired from a variety of sources if you just want a taste – clubs can often help with this. Those who wish to commit to the sport will find affordable entry level equipment for around £100 to £300, with second hand equipment also available from a variety of sources (it’s best to have this checked by a professional before purchasing). You can contact our staff via telephone or email for advice on what archery supplies to get.
James from the Pellpax team takes aim
Stay Informed
In order to become the best, you’ll need to keep up to date with the biggest names and the best writing on archery. We regularly publish archery content here at Pellpax on our blog, and you can also head to the ArcheryGB website, which is regularly updated with news about the sport. They also produce Archery UK, their own magazine. Then there’s Archery360, which produces great content, and Bow International, another fantastic resource for archers.
For a calendar of the big sporting events this year, including the World Archery Cup, which takes place in Odense in September, check out this guide provided by the World Archery Federation. Big events also take place in Dublin, Marrakesh, Bangkok, Shanghai and Las Vegas in 2016, too.
This summer will see many new enthusiasts for the sport of archery, so if you’ve discovered a newfound passion for this activity, then read on to find out how you can get involved….
All forms of archery in the UK are under governance of ArcheryGB, which is affiliated to the World Archery Federation – formerly FITA (Fédération Internationale de Tir à l’Arc) – and is a member of the British Olympic Association. The very first archery society was founded in 1537, under the direction of Henry VIII, and by the 1600s, archery was established as a competitive sport.
Archery GB
ContactingArchery GB( a good first step to learning archery. The website provides information about clubs, competitions, and courses. You don’t have to be a member of Archery GB to take part in the sport, but there are advantages. As a member, you are eligible to enter its regional and national tournaments and to attend its training courses (although not all of the courses are exclusive to members). There is also subscription to a quarterly magazine, Archery UK.
Field Archery
Field archery involves an exciting trek through woodland and open countryside, shooting at a series of archery targets from designated positions. These targets can be flat or three dimensional, upright or tilted, small or large, and at short or long distances. The archer might be shooting among trees, on a slope, across a pond, or from a gulley – you could be shooting from rocky or muddy terrain, in rain or wind, bright sunlight or semi-darkness.
Outdoor Target Archery
This is the most popular discipline in the UK. Archers shoot at circular, colour-coded targets – each colour representing two scores. The white (outer) ring is one and two, the black, three and four, the blue, five and six, the red, seven and eight, and the gold (centre) ring is nine and ten; the bullseye (10) is 2cm in diameter. Outdoor archery targets are at distances ranging from 40 yards (37m) to
A bow and arrow
100 yards (91m) for seniors, and from ten yards (9m) to 80 yards (73m) for juniors. In a competition, each archer will shoot ten ends of six arrows, thereby shooting 60 arrows in all. The maximum score for an end is 60 points.
Indoor Target Archery
Indoor target archeryis popular during the winter months. Archers shoot at a standard ten-ring target at a distance of 20 yards (18m). Like outdoor archery, both recurve and compound bows are used for the indoor sport.
Flight Archery
Flight Archery – a rare sport in the UK – is about shooting your arrows as far as you can. The obvious problem with this sport is that there are so few places it can be played. A target is, by definition, a stop for a potentially lethal projectile. It’s a challenge to find a suitable venue for flight archery!
Archery in Schools
Archery GB is working in conjunction with School Games to introduce schoolchildren to archery, offering opportunities for intra- and inter-school competition. For dedicated youngsters, there is even the chance of competing on a national level. “We believe that by supporting schools and their networks to deliver the School Games, more young people will also be introduced to archery and enjoy further opportunities through clubs.” Archery GB.
Archery GB Courses
When you join an archery club as a novice, you will likely be required to take part in a beginners’ course consisting of four to six introductory lessons, delivered by a qualified coach. The club’s Archery GB insurance covers new members for the first six lessons that they receive at the club, but after that, if you choose to continue with archery, you will need to join the club or Archery GB. Many people, of course, join both.
The Archery GB Instructor Award is designed for people working in educational environments, and for those who work in recreation and leisure. This basic, entry-level course focusses on training both experienced and novice archers to deliver safe and enjoyable introductory archery sessions.
Level 1 Award in Coaching Archery trains an archer to deliver a course for beginners and includes 12 hours’ supported practice (coaching at your own club, for example) and an assessment delivered over a 12-week period.
Level 2 Award in Coaching Archery is for Archery GB Level 1 coaches. This course teaches participants to deliver a club coaching programme, take responsibility for beginners’ courses, prepare archers for their first competitions, and to manage, mentor and support Level 1 coaches.
Archery Equipment
The oldest form of bow is the longbow, and it is still a favourite of many archers today. From about 3500 BC, the longbow was established as the Egyptians’ primary weapon of war. In the 13th and 14th centuries, longbow-men were the core of the English Army, but during the 16th century, the invention of firearms meant the decline of the bow and arrow as a war weapon.
The recurve bow is the most popular kind of bow, and the only form to be used in most world archery competitions. It’s essentially a bow with limbs that curve away from the archer when unstrung. It was invented by the Assyrians in about 1800 BC – the early models being made of wood, horn, and leather. Shorter than a longbow, the recurve bow proved to be a handy weapon to use whilst racing around in chariots. At Pellpax, we have a wide range of recurve bows and accessories in our archery shop.
Another popular type of the bow is the compound bow, which was first developed by an American, Holless Wilbur Allen, in 1966. Working on a pulley / cam system, the bow provides a mechanical advantage to the archer, allowing the limbs of the bow to be more rigid and therefore more energy efficient than those of the longbow or recurve bow. At Pellpax, we have a wide range of compound bowsand accessories.
Meanwhile, the crossbow – a short bow mounted on a stock – originated in China during the sixth century BC. The projectiles are called bolts (or quarrels), fired from a string which is released by a trigger. The crossbow is a silent, powerful, and accurate hunting tool (outside of the UK), as well as a popular discipline within competitive archery. At Pellpax, we have a wide range of crossbows for sale and accessories, which you can check out here.
Head to the ArcheryGB website to learn more about archery. Or check out our extensive range of crossbows for sale, archery accessories and other goods in our archery shop.
With our store selling everything from compound bows to arrow quivers, it seemed only fair that we interview someone from the world of archery, for the avid and passionate fanbase that buy our products.
That’s why our correspondent Hazel Randall talked to archery instructor, Andrew Hood, nine-times winner of the Norfolk Championships (in consecutive years), founder-owner of the successful archery training and advisory business, Feathers and Fletchings, based in Worstead in Norfolk, and proud owner of a banana-yellow Triumph 955 RS.
Andy – tell us about Feathers and Fletchings.
We do archery-related stuff. We’re archery coaches, mainly. We run sessions for schools and colleges, activity centres, sports centres … that sort of thing. We provide private coaching – that’s the really intense stuff for competitive archers – and we do a lot of these two-and-a-half-day Archery GB Instructor courses. Hopefully that’s a sign of increasing opportunities for youngsters to learn archery.
We’re technical advisors to Hautbois Activity Centre in Coltishall, and a number of other centres across the country. We provide information and guidance regarding industry compliance, teaching practices, personal safety, range position … and we organise their staff training.
Is the arrow wrap product Fletch-o-Set your own design?
Yes – I’m an inventor!
The arrows we usually use for teaching are made of aluminium. Now, there’s a natural oxide layer on the surface of metal that delays corrosion, but to thicken the oxide layer and increase resistance to wear and tear and corrosion, the aluminium is anodised. Are you keeping up?
Just about.
Good. Well, the anodising process leaves the aluminium slightly oily, which makes things very difficult when it comes to sticking on the fletchings. That’s where Fletch-o-Set comes in. It’s a strip of vinyl with an adhesive backing that’s wrapped around the back portion of the arrow shaft, forming a barrier between the oily surface of the metal and the glue that attaches the fletchings.
We can print whatever you like on your Fletch-o-Set strips – a club’s or sponsor’s logo, for example – so it serves a proprietary purpose as well.
Do you teach people with physical disabilities?
Yes, we do. There are ways to accommodate students with disabilities, and this is actually a big part of the GB Instructor training course.
Equal opportunity is key. I’m not talking about equal or uniform treatment. You need to treat people in very different ways if you’re going to provide them with the opportunity to achieve equally. We train instructors to assess the needs of individuals and to provide the help that they need.
I’ll give you some examples: a blind archer may need a tactile sighting aid; an archer with only one arm may need someone to lend a hand in holding the bow or some form of mechanical device to pull and release the string; a wheelchair user may need a little help in manoeuvring the wheelchair.
As an instructor, you have to be aware of different needs and you have to be constantly developing the skills to adapt your lessons to these needs. I’ve worked with severely abused kids. Their perception of right and wrong – i.e. the consequences of ‘doing something wrong’ – is sometimes warped, and can be detrimental to learning. Reassurance and consistent treatment will help to free a child from the bonds of fear. Sounds a bit fluffy, I know, but fear is restrictive. Take social anxiety – a perfect example.
What were you doing before wielding bows and doing archery-related stuff?
Until eighteen years ago, I was an engineer, working in steel fabrication. One particular job I’m very proud of is the design and construction of the enormous steel brazier that contained the first millennium beacon, lit by the Queen.
I know that you care deeply about giving children the opportunities they deserve. Can you tell us about Kids With Cake?
Well, it’s a simple system whereby a proportion of our turnover is siphoned off for the purpose of providing free sessions for disadvantaged kids who wouldn’t otherwise get the opportunity to have a go at archery.
The name comes from an experience I had when teaching after-school archery sessions at a school for ‘difficult’ children. It’s a long story. It’s on the website of one of my other companies. (click here for more).
While we’re talking about kids with cake, I might as well mention the Big Brownie Tea Party in August 2014. I taught an archery session in the garden at 10 Downing Street with 100 brownies – and David Cameron!
Have you ever taught archery abroad?
Yes, a few times. And I’ve also been taught abroad. I had a wonderful experience at the US Olympic Training Centre in California. I was trained by head coach, KiSik Lee, and was awarded Level IV Performance Coach status. I’m not a big-headed person, but I’m really proud of this achievement; there aren’t many coaches outside the US who are trained and qualified to this level.
The laws of physics, as defined by Scottie in Star Trek …
(Andy has an exceptional knowledge of human behaviour and the psychology of learning. He also has an in-depth understanding of the science of archery. He hides his intelligence pretty well, though, behind humour and brusqueness.
When I asked Andy for a business card, he said he couldn’t find any, but he produced, instead, four playing cards – all Kings of Hearts. Then, at point blank range, he performed card tricks that had us all gaping. He told us about his magic tricks.)
Sometimes a group of kids will get restless. You might have children wandering away, others being noisy – and maybe a quiet kid is left out. That’s when I bring out the card tricks. It’s like a magnet. They gather round, totally focussed – and unified in one activity.
(The four playing cards turned out to be business cards!)