Olivia Hill is Selected for the Junior World Cup

Exciting News

Picture by Gaynor Warren

Seventeen-year-old Olivia Hill is going from strength to strength. At the 2019 ESSU Championships at Bisley on 27th and 28th April, Olivia qualified 1st in Juniors and 4th in the Open event, giving her a place in the final. Finishing 2nd overall, Olivia was the highest scoring junior, and came home with the title of English Junior 10m Air Rifle Champion.

With A level exams just weeks away, Olivia now had to focus on her studies. However, one afternoon in May, Olivia received some exciting news that drew her focus right back to shooting. She’d been selected for the 2019 Junior World Cup.

Junior World Cup 2019

On Friday 12th July, Olivia will travel with her team mates and coaches to Suhl, Germany. During the following week, she’ll compete in two 10m Precision Air Rifle events – individual, and mixed pairs – at the Suhl-Friedberg Shooting Centre, a venue that’s considered to be one of the world’s most attractive shooting facilities. Olivia will be shooting her Walther PCP rifle.

For hundreds of years, Suhl has held a significant position in the world of firearms and shooting. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Suhl was a world leader in the production of cannons, and in 1751, the famous firearms manufacturer, Sauer & Sohn, was established in the city. Suhl’s largest producer of firearms today is Merkel GmbH, manufacturer of rifles and shotguns.

Olivia’s Coach, Paul Goater

Olivia’s training programme is a never-ending regime; it’s a way of life. But with an important competition approaching, Olivia must raise her game.

Paul Goater, manager of the England Rifle Academy and lead air rifle coach for the Rifle Talent Squad (part of the GB Olympic Shooting Pathway), is Olivia’s primary coach.

“We’re currently in prep mode,” he explains. “But now we need to switch to comp mode. In competition mode, the emphasis is different. We generally don’t make changes, but just concentrate on ways of making sure Liv can deliver her performance in a match. So, we’ll look at tactics, balance, stress management, endurance, nutrition, mental skills … the things that will allow her to do well.”

Paul has known Olivia for about two years. Her progress, he tells me, is impressive.

“Liv is still developing quickly and exhibits all the behaviours and attitudes of a potentially great athlete. She’s been a real pleasure to coach, and if she keeps working hard, is certainly capable of great things.”

A Very Special Girl

Between now and 12th July, Olivia will take the remainder of her A level exams; she’ll continue to work part time at Carberrys café in Norwich; and she’ll train for the Junior World Cup. As this very special girl shows me her kit bag (how on earth will she carry it? – it’s enormous!), I feel incredibly lucky to know her.

My sentiments are echoed in Paul Goater’s words:

“I hope that I am fortunate enough to remain part of her support team moving forward.”

Very best wishes, Olivia, from all at Pellpax!

Give us a Call

For information about any of our products, or for advice about shooting or archery, just give us a call on 01263 731 585. Our experts are always pleased to help.


Knives and Blades at Pellpax

Offensive Weapons Act 2019

As a result of new legislation relating to the sale and possession of blades, we’re now including knives in our unique face-to-face delivery service. The Offensive Weapons Act 2019 makes it more difficult to purchase bladed tools such as penknives and axes, as sellers are now restricted in what they are allowed to send out. At Pellpax, however, we already have a well-oiled delivery system in place, and purchasing a knife from us will be fairly straightforward.

If you have ever bought a gun from us, you’ll know the procedure.

First of all, you must be at least 18 years old. Once your purchase has been processed, we’ll contact you to arrange a delivery day and time. When the Pellpax driver delivers your item to your door, you’ll need to present ID that proves your identity, age, and address. A valid UK driving licence is ideal. Alternatively, a combination of documents, such as passport, birth certificate, utility bill etc can be used.

Let’s have a look at a few choice knives available from Pellpax.

Buck Knives at Pellpax

Buck knives have been around for more than 100 years. The American company was founded by the precocious innovation of blacksmith’s apprentice Hoyt H Buck. At just 13 years old, having learned to make knives, young Hoyt developed a method of heat-treating steel for his tools, so that they’d hold an edge for longer.

Today, Buck Knives is run by the fifth generation of the Buck family, and is one of the world’s best known and most highly respected brands of knife.

At Pellpax, we have a wide range of Buck knives to choose from. The Buck Folding Pursuit Knife, for example, with its strong, sharp stainless-steel blade, is available in Small, Large, and Large Guthook. The handle is made from VersaFlex, which is the world’s leading brand of polyurea materials.

Gerber Knives at Pellpax

In 1939, when Joseph Gerber was working for the family advertising firm, he had 24 sets of kitchen knives made and sent out as gifts. The knives were a hit, and very soon there was a demand for more. This first batch of high-quality knives marked the beginning of Gerber Legendary Blades, a US company that’s still going strong today.

There are lots of Gerber knives to choose from at Pellpax – like the Applegate-Fairbairn Combat Folder Outdoor Knife, designed by military officer Colonel Rex Applegate. The spear point blade has a semi-serrated edge, and the built-in thumb stud enables easy one-handed opening. This superb piece of kit is strong, resilient, and lightweight – the result of Colonel Applegate’s great expertise.

Cold Steel Knives at Pellpax

Cold Steel knives are among the elite in the world of blades. Always at the forefront of technological development, the brand is always in the lead as the industry pushes through boundaries. At Pellpax, we consider the Cold Steel knife a must-have accessory.

The Cold Steel Trail Master has a razor-sharp blade that’s super-resistant to breaking and bending. With a non-slip grip and a durable sheath, this lightweight knife is effective and safe.

The pistol grip of the good-looking Frontier Bowie is made from the finest rosewood and secured with steel rivets. The elegant S-shaped hand guard keeps your fingers protected, and the knife comes with a full-length leather scabbard.

Give Us a Call

For information about our delivery service, or about any of the products we sell, just give us a call on 01263 731 585. Our experts are always ready to help.




“Pat on the Back” for “Top-Notch” Delivery Service

At Pellpax, we put a lot of effort into our unique delivery service. Over the years, we’ve honed the service, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and effectively. We know that we’re doing a pretty good job, because our customers are telling us so!

A Pellpax van in Yorkshire
Pellpax vans ready to go
Pellpax van in Lincoln


“The delivery guy caught me eating my tea!”

We’ve all waited in for a delivery that didn’t come – or that was late. In fact, it’s a sad fact that many of us now expect to be let down at this final stage of purchase.

So, when one Pellpax customer was given an estimated delivery time, he … well, let’s just say, he didn’t take it seriously.

Our customer, however, was pleasantly surprised when the Pellpax van arrived bang on time.

“The delivery guy caught me eating my tea!”


“They went above and beyond to sort it”

Occasionally, there’s a problem with an item that we send out. This happened to a customer who has made numerous purchases from Pellpax over the past five years. As always, we did our very best to sort out the problem to the customer’s satisfaction.

This customer was kind enough to leave a review.

He says that Pellpax, who are “always exceptional in their customer service,” ended up swapping the rifle for a much better one.

“The staff are more than happy to answer any queries, both by phone and email. They went above and beyond to sort it.”


“Superb, quite excellent old-fashioned service”

A large proportion of Pellpax staff are experienced shooters. Several are expert gunsmiths too. So there’ll always be someone at the end of the phone who can help with queries and problems.

“Pellpax always answer the phone in under 10 seconds, sometimes less, and the team are always available and happy to give you the most up-to-date help and advice when you call them.

“I have got to know some of the delightful gentleman who drive the iconic white Pellpax vans; they always have a smile on their face, and I cannot criticise them in any way.

“I would strongly and thoroughly recommend this company to anyone purchasing outdoor shooting equipment and accessories, and I have absolutely no intention of ever changing.”


“The delivery of my order was exactly as promised”

Chris working with The Pellpax Map

At Pellpax, all office staff and drivers work very hard to ensure that deliveries are on time. This weekly operation is orchestrated by Logistics Coordinator, Chris, and supported by a trusty visual aid – a large map of the British Isles, studded with colour-coded drawing pins.

This customer wrote a review after purchasing from Pellpax for the first time.

“You can imagine how delighted I was, both with the professional support of the staff, and with the excellent quality of the merchandise. The delivery of my order was exactly as promised, even down to the time.”


Contact us on 01263 731 585

If you’d like to speak to one of our advisers about our delivery service, or if you would like information about any of the products we sell, give us a call on 01263 731 585 or email [email protected].

Pellpax Meets Customers at the Northern Shooting Show

Pellpax staff love meeting customers!

Pellpax is, primarily, an online retailer. Customer service is something we take very seriously, and this is reflected in numerous positive reviews and a lot of repeat custom. Face-to-face contact with customers, therefore, is a rare treat, and this weekend, at the Northern Shooting Show in Harrogate, it’s like all our birthdays have come at once!



Keith is a middle-aged man from Middleton, in Yorkshire, looking to buy a summer deerstalking jacket.

Not so long ago, Keith suffered a heart attack. In the interests of his health, Keith knows that he has to slow down a little, and so he’s decided to take up an enjoyable, stress-free pastime. He’s chosen deerstalking.

With an Environmental Health Food Hygiene certificate, Keith is permitted to butcher deer carcasses and to distribute the meat. I say ‘distribute’ rather than ‘sell’, because Keith makes no attempt to make money from deerstalking.

“I give venison to the old people in the village,” Keith tells me. “I’m actually one of the youngest people in Middleton.”

A particularly charming feature of Middleton is the Annual Village Feast.

“I’m a keen fisherman,” says Keith. “For years, I’ve provided salmon and trout for the Feast. Now I provide venison, too.”


Colin and Marie

A tall, bearded young man approaches the stall. He’s wearing torn jeans and an orange hoodie; his arms and neck are heavily tattooed; his ears and nose are adorned with metal studs. The young man’s heavy brows are drawn together in a frown as he peers into a glass cabinet at the Umarex pistols.

When he speaks, his voice is gentle, and his face melts into a smile. “I’m looking for a birthday present,” he says. “For my nan.”

A petite lady of advanced years (yes, I mean old) grins up at her grandson. “I’m taking up target shooting,” she says. “Colin’s teaching me.”

Colin’s grandmother, Marie, tells us about her life-long ambition to shoot.

“There never seemed to be a good time. I brought up six children, and somehow got involved in bringing up their children! Then my mother was really poorly and needed a lot of care. She moved into residential care, where she died seven years later, shortly after my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.”

Colin’s long arm wraps around Marie’s shoulder. “Granddad died earlier this year,” he says.

Colin, a trainee architect, has been shooting for about five years.

“I’ve picked up a few medals in local competitions,” he says, “But I’ll never make the big time. I’m concentrating on my career. But I really do enjoy target shooting, and I’m looking forward to teaching Nan – she’s gonna be brilliant!”



Alan, from Wolsingham in County Durham, is, essentially, a creature of habit.

Allan Willey with the Zbroia Kozak

“I’ve been a Weihrauch guy since 1974,” he tells us.

But when the Zbroia Kozak appeared on the market, Alan was love-struck!

A lightweight and well-balanced bullpup with sensitive trigger and built-in barrel shroud, the Kozak is ideal for quarry shooting. The rifle is named after the Cossacks – democratic, self-governing communities in Russia and Ukraine, who turned their backs on serfdom and religious persecution. Cossack means ‘free man’.

“People are going mad for the Kozak,” says Alan. “I’m left-handed, so the ambidextrous stock is perfect for me.”

When asked about the Pellpax delivery service, Alan says, “Superb. Bang on time.”

Thanks so much to Keith, Marie, Colin, and Alan for sharing your stories with us. And thank you to everyone who popped by to say hello!



Pellpax at the Northern Shooting Show

The Show

Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May: 24,000 visitors flock to the beautiful town of Harrogate for the famous Northern Shooting Show. Around 300 exhibitors – manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, publishers, caterers, and trade organisations – gather together at the Yorkshire Event Centre for one of the most prestigious events in the UK shooting calendar. And the sun is shining.

Show organiser, Richard Stokoe, tells me that the show is growing bigger every year. However, size isn’t everything. Richard explains that it’s essential to maintain balance.

“We’re a shooting show; we represent all disciplines in equal measure.”

Just like the British Shooting Show (NEC, February), the Northern Shooting show reflects the relaxed, responsible attitude of the UK’s shooting community. Children are well behaved, dogs are under control, and security is apparently redundant. An atmosphere of courteous bonhomie pervades.


Pellpax Sells Umarex Guns

On Friday 10th May, eight members of the Pellpax team travel from headquarters in Norfolk to the Yorkshire Event Centre. The bulk of our stock, this weekend, consists of Umarex products, like the PX4 Storm, a dual ammo CO2 pistol, which looks and feels just like the Beretta firearm it emulates. This 16-shot repeater will have you shooting as fast as you can pull the trigger!

One of the most popular guns on the Pellpax stand is the Umarex Glock 17 Dual Ammo. This low-power black pistol has an eight-shot magazine with the capacity to fire either 4.5mm BBs or .177 pellets. Powered by 12g CO2 cartridges, with double-action trigger and a blowback feature that simulates the recoil of the live-firing version, the Glock 17 Dual Ammo is ideal for plinking and target practice. This pistol is 200mm in length, weighs 795g, and comes with a Glock hard case.


Trade Relations

Kevin Godwin with the Weihrauch HW45 Bronze Star

Weihrauch, care of Hull Cartridge

It’s always a pleasure to catch up with friends and associates in the shooting industry, and the NSS provides the perfect opportunity. I drop by for a chat with the guys from Hull Cartridge, the sole UK distributor of Weihrauch products. Kevin Godwin shows me some of Weihrauch’s newest products, and one of these, in particular, really grabs my attention.

The spring-operated HW45 Bronze Star, available in both .177 and .22 calibres, has a light, adjustable, two-stage trigger, ambidextrous, laminated grip, and a 13mm scope rail. The barrel is 170mm long, and the pistol’s overall length is 280mm. The Bronze Star has a power rating of 5.5 ft/lb – below the FAC limit. This lovely-looking pistol is ideal for close-range pest control.


Airgun Show

James Hancock (left) and Ross Mitchell talk to the Airgun Show

Over the last couple of years, Pellpax has enjoyed a close working relationship with the staff of Airgun Shooter magazine and the Airgun Show, both owned by Future PLC (formerly Future Publishing). During the NSS, two Pellpax experts were interviewed for the Airgun Show. The episode can be viewed later this month.


Contact Us

For more information about any of the products on the Pellpax website, or for queries about our delivery service, just give us call on 01263 731 585. Out experts will be pleased to help.


Air Pistols from Pellpax at the Northern Shooting Show 2019

Just three days to go before the Northern Shooting Show! This year it’s going to be bigger and better than ever. And Pellpax will be there!

This is Pellpax’s first visit to the Northern Shooting Show in Harrogate, and the team is getting ready for a busy weekend. The weather’s going to be marvellous – well, I like to think so, anyway – and there’s loads of free parking. Come and see our wide range of airguns and accessories, and take advantage of our special show prices.

Here’s a taster of what Pellpax will have to offer at the show.

Umarex Colt Peacemaker

The ‘real’ Peacemaker was first designed in 1972 by Colt, holding the position of standard military service revolver until 1892.

This handsome replica first made an appearance in 2015, and it’s enjoyed widespread popularity ever since. The durable Colt Peacemaker Antique .177 pellet air pistol from Umarex is made almost entirely of metal, with well-finished moving parts for a realistic shooting experience.

The CO2 capsule is concealed within the pistol grip. The grip is adjusted with a hex key (Allen key), which is incorporated into the grip itself. This is a great feature, because it means you’ve always got the right tool with you.

Umarex Legends S25 Revolver

The Umarex Legends S25 Revolver .177 is a heavy, nickel-coated pistol. This replica revolver is powered by a 12g CO2 capsule that’s housed in the pistol’s grip. Each CO2 capsule will give you 60 shots.

For a really precise shot, you can cock the hammer and then pull the trigger to fire the pellet. Alternatively, the trigger can be repeatedly pulled to fire off all six shots in quick succession.

Umarex Legends Makarov

The Legends Makarov 4.5mm BB air pistol from Umarex is an almost exact replica of the original Makarov, which was first built in the Soviet Union in 1951. Popular with defence agencies all over the world, the original version of this pistol is still in service today. The frame and all working parts are made of metal, and the comfortable grips are polymer.

Discounted Prices

So come and say hello to the Pellpax team. And don’t forget – there’s a special show price on every item!





Blank-Firing Pistols to Scare the Birds Away

General Licences

At 11.59 p.m. on Thursday 25 April 2019, Natural England revoked the following general licences:

  • GL04 (to kill or take certain species of wild bird to prevent serious damage or disease)
  • GL05 (to kill or take certain species of wild bird to preserve public health or public safety)
  • GL06 (to kill or take certain species of wild birds to conserve wild flora or fauna)

Although new general licences are being put in place, we still need to exercise control over destructive wild birds.


Scare them off with a blank-firing pistol from Pellpax.

Let’s have a look at a few blank-firing pistols from two of the best-known brands.


The Bruni brand was spawned in the late 1950s by Bruna Bruni. In the beginning, the company was a supplier of component parts, but twenty years on, in the late 1970s, Bruni took great strides into the design and manufacture of replica guns.

Bruni Olympic 6 – 6mm

Bruni’s Olympic 6 blank-firing revolver is the archetypal starter pistol. The Olympic 6 has a rotary 8-round magazine, and, just like with many live-firing revolvers, it has a trigger that can be either single or double action. This sturdy little stalwart, which fires 6mm blanks, is used in dog training and professional sporting events all over the world. Why not try some crimped blanks for an extra loud bang!

Bruni Model 96 – 8mm

The Bruni Model 96 blank-firing pistol is made of metal, with grip plates made of wood, giving it a great feel and a realistic appearance. This pistol emulates the iconic M1911 pistol, which was designed by John Browning (1855-1926), one of the most influential firearms designers in history. This pistol has a magazine capacity of eight rounds and takes 8mm blank cartridges.

Bruni Model P4 – 8mm

Made in the likeness of the classic Beretta PX4 Storm, this popular Bruni pistol is a large blank firer with a 10-round magazine housed in the grip. The orange-and-black Model P4 is semi-automatic, 8mm calibre, and made of zinc, which gives it a satisfying weight This is another pistol that makes a lot of noise!


Retay is a Turkish company, founded in 2006.

Retay 84FS – 9mm PAK

The Model 84FS is a realistic-looking, blank-firing pistol made of metal and coated in Cerakote for long-lasting strength. This double-action pistol is finished in blue and takes 9mm cartridges.

Retay Eagle LU

If you’re looking for a strong and durable blank-firing pistol, the Retay Eagle LU is a fantastic choice. This pistol has a full metal body with a durable Cerakote coating and a blue finish. The pistol is single action, has a manual safety, and a 9mm calibre.

Retay G19C

The G19C from Retay is a powerful and good-looking blank-firing pistol that’s ideal for bird scaring. Made of metal, and Cerakote coated, this 9mm pistol is finished in the characteristic Retay blue.


If, at the moment, we can’t protect crops and livestock by shooting the birds that attack, we can scare the birds off with blank-firing pistols. These replicas make a good loud bang, and are really effective in deterring pests.

If you’d like to learn more about blank-firing pistols, or any of our other products, just give us a call on 01263 731585 to speak to one of our experts.



Cleaning and Maintaining Your Air Rifle With ProShot

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

Metal and wood are vulnerable to rot, rust, and wear, so it’s important to keep these materials dry. Ensure that your gun is well protected in storage and in transit, and that it’s wiped down immediately whenever it gets wet.

Besides providing a firm and comfortable support for when you’re firing the rifle, the stock acts as a protective casing for the internal mechanism; if water gets inside the stock, the gun’s mechanism can rust and seize up. However diligent you are in caring for your gun, there’s always a chance that it will suffer water damaged at some time. If this happens, we suggest that you take your gun to a reputable gunsmith for repair and service.

A good lubricant, like the ProShot Precision A Grade Silicone Gun Oil, does a good job of protecting the wooden stock and the metal barrel exterior against moisture. This anti-corrosive oil is highly water repellent and completely nontoxic. To keep your rifle looking smart and new, use a soft cloth (we recommend the long-lasting Pellpax micro-fibre cleaning cloth) to apply oil sparingly, on a regular basis, to the stock and the barrel.

Cleaning your air rifle is not an everyday job. Keeping it dry, though, is.

ProShot Precision Silicone Gun Oil

Grease is the Word, is the Word, is the Word …

Now, although gun oil is marvellous stuff for the exterior of a gun, the barrel’s interior should never be oiled – in fact, your cleaning regime should include keeping grease out of the barrel.

A build-up of oil in the barrel can cause dieseling. Dieseling is when oil in the barrel combusts as a pellet is fired. Over time, this process can cause damage to the gun’s seals, resulting in leakage of air.

However, the bore does need occasional cleaning. We suggest that, after finishing a tin of pellets, you fire one cleaning pellet to clear the barrel of any deposits of metal or traces of grease from oiled pellets. A cleaning rod is very effective for clearing solid debris and blockages.

What You Get is What You See

 A neglected scope can cause problems when you’re lining up your shot, so it’s a good idea to keep it clean! For a clear, clean scope, use a soft cloth (Pellpax Lens-Cleaning Cloth) with ProShot Precision Advanced Optics Cleaner, which is perfect for removing grease, water, and dust.

This top-quality fluid, which comes in a spray bottle, is also ideal for cleaning television, computer, and mobile phone screens.

Take Good Care of My Baby

Here are some general guidelines for caring for your air rifle:

Always wipe down your rifle after every use; it may look perfectly clean, but it’s bound to be soiled in some way, even if it’s only a few greasy finger marks. When transporting your rifle, keep it in a gun bag to avoid knocks and scrapes. And when you’re not using it, store your rifle in a dry place where there’s no risk of it coming into contact with water or chemicals. If your rifle is stored on end, make sure it’s standing on the butt end, rather than on the muzzle.

ProShot Deluxe Airgun Cleaning Kit

An alternative way of sourcing all the tools and products that you need for looking after your gun is by purchasing an all-inclusive cleaning kit, like the ProShot Deluxe Airgun Cleaning Kit, which contains everything you need to maintain your gun in tip-top condition.

Hanging on the Telephone

If you’re in any doubt about how to look after your air rifle, please don’t hesitate to call us on 01263 731 585. Our experts will be happy to help.







Pellpax at the Northern Shooting Show

It’s almost time for the Northern Shooting Show!

On the weekend of 11th and 12th May, this hugely popular retail show will be opening its doors for the fourth year running, and this time it will be bigger than ever. The Northern Shooting Show, which takes place at the Yorkshire Events Centre in Harrogate, is one of the most important events in the UK shooting calendar. Retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers from all over the world will be showcasing their products at this famous venue – and here’s some more good news: there’s lots of free on-site parking!

The Pellpax team is busy preparing for the show. We’ll have loads of great products on sale, including the Walther PPK/s – a blowback pistol with a full-metal frame and 15-round magazine – and the Glock 17 Dual Ammo – another blowback pistol that simulates the realistic recoil of the live-firing version. We’ll also be bringing along the popular Umarex 850 Air Magnum XT Kit – a CO2 air rifle, which comes complete with the Walther 3-9 x 40 scope, with mounts; a bipod, mounted on a metal weaver rail; and a sound moderator.

Umarex 850 Air Magnum XT Kit

We’re really looking forward to meeting some of our customers, so if you’re at the show, please do come and say hello!

See you there …

Ragna Elite Team Member, Jett Pease, Reviews some Elite Airsoft Pellets

There’s a brand of pellets that’s really making headway in the popularity stakes. It’s a brand that’s gaining a reputation for consistent accuracy and form – a brand that’s affordable and has something for everyone – including airsofters. The brand is ProShot.

Take, for example, the ProShot Precision Tracer BB – a 6mm 0.25g BB pellet that glows in the dark, a pellet designed to give you the greatest accuracy and power. Or the ProShot 6mm 0.20g BB, which is ideal for airsoft pistols, such as the ASG M92F Gas-powered pistol. These pellets are becoming more and more in demand in the world of airsoft.

Here are a few words about the ProShot brand from our very own Jett Pease, of the Ragna Elites Airsoft Team.



ProShot Airsoft Pellets: Review 

ProShot is manufactured to exacting standards in safe working environments, and each ProShot product is the result of expert design, high-quality materials, and top-performing machinery. Having passed through rigorous testing processes and long periods of development, ProShot products are guaranteed to be of the highest standard and unbeatable value.

ProShot is a great product. I tested the 0.25g biodegradable BBs. The label reads “Grade A Polished Surface, High Accuracy and Power & the Perfect Sphere Technology”. This is not an understatement. Performance of these BBs is great for everyone – from the beginner to the advanced players out there.

I wouldn’t recommend this for you snipers out there, as the weight isn’t good enough for your 450-500 fps sniper rifles.

Diameter is 5.95 ± 0.01mm, and out of the 50 BBs I measured, all were consistent in size and had no air bubbles inside, which adds to the quality that the brand advertises.

If you’re looking for a great all-rounder, then look no further than ProShot Precision Airsoft ammo.

You can check out the range of ammo for skirmishers and airsoft needs in the Airsoft section at www.pellpax.co.uk/ProShot. If you’d like to know more, feel free to contact them via Chat, email them on [email protected], or just give them a call on 01263 731 585 to speak to one of their experts.

Jett Pease, Ragna Elites