Hello, friends and customers, it’s my pleasure as the Director of Pellpax to welcome you all to our new blog. To introduce ourselves, Pellpax is the leading retailer of airguns online. We sell a host of products, including airguns, bushcraft, archery gear, shotguns, watercraft equipment, and much more, to people across the UK, from our base in Norwich.
As a Registered Firearms Dealer we’re licensed to sell weapons, and we have a face to face service delivering airguns and shotguns to your door, with our very own team of drivers out every week. We have also recently acquired our explosives licence, allowing us to transport live ammunition. These services are unique among our online competitors, and makes us stand out from the crowd.
Due to a lot of hard work, ingenuity, and diligence, our business has grown massively in the past couple of years, and this is why we are now reaching out to firearms, outdoor and archery enthusiasts across the Britain with the launch of our very own blog.
Those people who are passionate about these subjects will get to read hints, tips, reviews, news and interviews as we aim to bring you the very best content.
We hope you enjoy it, and stay tuned, enjoy the read, and subscribe to our email updates for fresh content, offers, updates and more.